Why Therapy | Conscious Healing Solutions Fort Lauderdale
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Therapy in Fort Lauderdale


Mindfulness practices can help us to increase our ability to focus our attention on our thoughts and feelings without judgment. It allows for us to regulate intense emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression and improve our relationships, and be more fully engaged in our own lives.

Why to consider therapy

Improved Relationships 

Attending to our relationships allows us to build on healthy relationships, while also ending unhealthy ones. Through this process we can learn to ask for what we need, gain self-respect and an overall improved connection with others

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Fort Lauderdale

Emotional Awareness 

Emotional awareness is our ability to recognize emotions in ourselves and others, to understand their effect, and to express these emotions in a healthy way. Emotional awareness leads to self-regulation, empathy, and social skills

Therapy tailored for you

Increased Self Awareness

Self-awareness involves learning to better understand why we feel what we feel and why we do what we do. With this better understanding of ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves through the lens of self-acceptance, as unique and empowered individuals. This leads to an increased ability to make changes in our lives, clarify our own unique needs, and acknowledging what we still have to learn. True consciousness begins with self-awareness!

Body image issues and therapy

Improved Body Image

Body image includes person’s beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and actions about their body and appearance. Body image strongly influences they way we see ourselves, which ultimately influences our self esteem. Attending to one's body image issues is a catalyst for gaining self-worth, challenging negative self-talk and having an overall healthier relationship with ourselves

Marriage and Couples counseling

Life Skills Coaching 

Everyone of us needs guidance and support at points in our lives. This can be guidance in making a major life decision, support due to a recent loss, or coaching in order to attend to professional/work life issues. Having the guidance of a clinician during these times can help us to feel confident that we are proceeding with full awareness and consciousness

Dialectical Behavioral Therapist Dr. Jennifer Paul

Everyone Needs A Little Help Now And Then.


Give Me A Call And Lets Just Talk.

Dr. Jen

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