Fort Lauderdale Body Image Therapy
Negative body image messages are insidious. They tell us we aren’t thin enough; we don’t look good enough, that we aren’t good enough. These messages are often subtle at first but then grow in intensity with time. Negative body image can lead, not only to eating disorder behaviors and disordered eating, but also to low self-esteem, poor relationships with others, and ongoing physical health issues.
Body Image work begins with understanding the origins of our negative body image as well as the current sources of influence on our body image. This can include social, societal, and even global influences. We also need to uncover our own self-messages; the things we tell ourselves about our bodies (i.e., I should look like I did when I was 20, I can’t eat that, If I am no longer a certain size/weight I won’t be happy). We also need to identify the behavioral consequences of our negative body image. Do we restrict the amount of food we allow ourselves to eat? Do we weigh ourselves multiple times a day? Do we miss out on certain social events because of self-judgment? This is some of the work that will be done in weekly sessions.
Body image work takes time. Body image work takes a commitment to stepping into past pain, memories of judgment from others, and self-judgment. It requires deliberately challenging our core beliefs and assumptions about what is “ideal”. It requires a willingness to accept and embrace who we are right in this moment; to make peace with ourselves and actually practice gratitude for all of the things our bodies allow us to do.
What I Treat
Negative Body Image
Disordered Eating
Negative Self Talk
Poor Self Esteem
Food Rituals
Body Checking Rituals
What You Can Expect
Weekly sessions attending to YOUR view of your body
Identification of factors that influence your negative body image
Defining body image and self-esteem
Identification of negative beliefs
Challenging body image and eating rituals and "rules"
Increased self-esteem and positive self-talk
Beginning mindful acceptance of body image
Gratitude for your body
The mission of Wonder Woman Warriors (WWW) is to create a space for women to explore and challenge their self-defeating beliefs about their bodies and to develop a healthier body image that will allow them to live their most meaningful lives and end the war with their bodies.
We help women become confident and strong in their own bodies. We help women improve self-esteem and decrease self-judgments through the practice of acceptance and gratitude for their bodies.
We do this by providing support and skill-building in the areas of defining body image, uncovering the past and present sources of our negative body image, identifying family and societal patterns that have contributed to negative body images, and exploring our own body rules. We identify how we are at war with our body and begin to move to a place of peace through exercises in gratitude, mindfulness, and acceptance.
Our goal is to help all WWW to stop the war with their bodies and embody PEACE.
Do you feel like you’re constantly dissatisfied with your body?
Do you feel like you struggle with self-judgments about your body?
Do you often beat yourself up with messages such as “I’m too fat” “I wish my body were different” or “I’m not good enough”?
Do you feel pressured to look a certain way?
Do you bounce from diet to diet in the hopes of achieving the “ideal” body?
Did you grow up in a home where you were told your body wasn’t ok the way it was?
Did you grow up in a home where “diet talk” was the norm?
Do you feel that you are at war with your body?
Do you often compare yourself to other women?
At the end of this program, you will:
Explored your own past and current body image messages
You will explore the roots of your own body image struggles
You will gain an understanding of WHY you tell your body the things you do
You will define what body image means to you / discover your own personal body image
You will uncover past and current sources of negative body image – society, social media, family
You will understand the origins of your body image
You will uncover your own negative self-talk about your body
You will uncover your thought distortions
You will understand the behavioral consequences of your negative body image on you and your family
You will begin to modify your own negative self-talk about your body
You will discover the practice of gratitude for your body
You will identify body image rituals and rules that you have AND help to begin to extinguish these rituals
You will step into the practice of mindful acceptance of your body
You will move towards body peace
The Women who benefit from my programs are often:
More empowered in their own bodies
Embrace their own beauty both outside and in
Leave their negative and self-hate messages behind
Develop a deeper understanding of the voices that influence how they feel about themselves
Leave old messages from the family behind
Challenge their ideas of what is “ideal” for a woman’s body
Extinguish the negative self-talk
Have gratitude for all of the things that their bodies allow them to do
Develop peace and compassion for their bodies
Begin to take part in activities that they may have avoided their WHOLE lives (i.e., going to the beach)